21-11-19 / Jason Mitchenson — Arbitration, International
As part of the proceedings of the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration‘s (ACICA) Australian Arbitration Week 2019, taking place in Brisbane 18-22 November, the ICC Young Arbitrators Forum (ICC YAF) hosted a session titled ‘The way of the future – Arbitration or other options?‘ Jason Mitchenson joined the panel discussing whether there is “a…
19-11-19 / Stewart Webster KC, Bianca Kabel, Jason Mitchenson — Arbitration, International
As part of the proceedings for the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration‘s (ACICA) Australian Arbitration Week 2019, Corrs Chambers Westgarth and Level Twenty Seven Chambers co-hosted a seminar on “Best Practice International Arbitration in Australia: an Australian view on current issues affecting the arbitral mandate“. The seminar was chaired by Joshua…
11-9-19 / Jason Mitchenson — Arbitration, International
Schultz, Mitchenson & Ridi, The Principle of Comity in Public and Private International Law (2019) Cambridge University Press (forthcoming).
1-7-19 / Jason Mitchenson — International
Jason Mitchenson is joint author with Prof. Thomas Schultz of 'The History of Comity' in The Journal of International Legal History (vol 4, No 2, July 2019). The article explores the history of comity through events and the ideas of those who most influenced the development. The authors claim that…
12-2-19 / Jason Mitchenson — Arbitration, International
Schultz & Ortino (ass. ed. Mitchenson), The Oxford Handbook of International Arbitration (2019) Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
Level 27, 239 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000