What will the seminar cover?
You will hear firsthand insights and learnings of how coronial inquests (CI) operate most effectively from the State and Deputy State Coroner of Queensland and counsel who have been party to a wide spectrum of CIs.
Topics covered will include:
- Background & context of CIs
- Practical issues for those appearing at a CI
- Important procedural considerations
- Implications of CIs such as referrals, judicial review & justiciability
Who should attend?
All law practitioners, particularly commercial lawyers, lawyers in the insurance space, litigators, corporate counsel whose role includes workplace health & safety components and their clients.
Chambers warmly welcomes two expert guest speakers to the third webinar in a series focusing on large scale litigation and/or those involving groups. Information about the commissions of inquiry and class actions webinars is available here.
Panel Chair:
Nicholas Andreatidis QC (barrister, Level Twenty Seven Chambers)
Terry Ryan (State Coroner of Queensland)
Jane Bentley (Deputy State Coroner of Queensland)
Matthew Hickey (barrister, Level Twenty Seven Chambers)
Kristi Riedel (barrister, Level Twenty Seven Chambers)
Mark Eade (barrister, Level Twenty Seven)
To reserve a place for the event on Tuesday 8 September 2020 1230 AEST, please register through the form below. The webinar login details will be sent to those registered to attend 24 hours before the start.
(64 mins)
- Press the ‘play’ button on the video thumbnail below.
- Complete the form.
- Press the ‘play’ button again on the video thumbnail below.
The presentation is free to view. For further information, please contact Tamara McCombe on +61 7 3008 3927.

The podcast version of the CPD is available below.
The slides are available below.