What will the seminar cover?
Recent events have seen circumstances giving rise to novel damages claims, or have they?
Actor Geoffrey Rush and barrister Lloyd Rayney were awarded damages for economic loss after being defamed.
Consumers, Mr and Mrs Moore, were awarded damages for disappointment and distress for a ruined holiday.
Dependants of a deceased seek to recover financial loss arising from the death; can they rely on statutory causes of action to do so?
The speakers will review the below topics to assess the state of play for damages claims:
- The judgments from Nationwide News Pty Ltd v Rush, Rayney v Western Australia, Wilson v Bauer Media and Moore v Scenic Tours Pty Ltd
- The availability or otherwise of loss of dependency damages for statutory claims and the judgment from Barclay v Penberthy (with a particular focus on the Australian Consumer Law)
Who should attend?
General litigation and insurance lawyers, as well as policy advisors and their clients.
Rob Anderson QC (barrister, Level Twenty Seven)
Mark Eade (barrister, Level Twenty Seven)
To reserve a place for the event on Wednesday 12 August 2020 1230 AEST, please register through the form below. The webinar login details will be sent to those registered to attend 24 hours before the start.
The PowerPoint from the session is published below.