What will the seminar cover?
- Explain why Glencore will change how lawyers conduct matters
- Review what can be done to seek to protect privilege and confidentiality
Who should attend?
All disputes resolution lawyers and in house counsel. Clients of firms are also welcome to attend.
Speakers: Level Twenty Seven Chambers barristers Nicolas Andreatidis QC, James Green, Sophie Gibson and Executive Director of KordaMentha Brendan Read.
Level Twenty Seven Chambers
Level 27, 239 George Street
Brisbane, 4000
(36 mins)
This session was originally hosted 24 October 2019. By popular request, the speakers recorded the session at a later date so that it can be viewed by those not able to attend the original session.
There is no charge to watch the presentation but we ask you provide basic contact details for data and security reasons.

The seminar is available as a podcast below.
The PowerPoint is available here.
A transcript of the presentation can be downloaded here.
For further information, please contact Tamara McCombe on +61 7 3008 3927.