26-7-24 / Matthew Jones KC — Competition & Consumer
A doctor alleged that his non-inclusion on a reciprocal weekend roster was cartel conduct in breach of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 or unconscionable in contravention of section 21 of the Australian Consumer Law. Matthew Jones, in his last trial as a junior, successfully appeared for the Defendants, instructed…
1-2-22 / Matthew Jones KC, Claire Schneider — Professional Discipline & Regulatory, Competition & Consumer
The proceeding was a prosecution against an education service provider, by the Australian Skills Quality Authority, for contraventions of s 94 and s 96 of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (Cth) (NVR Act). The parties formulated an Agreed Statement of Facts and Joint Submissions to the court as to…
22-3-17 / Matthew Jones KC — Competition & Consumer
Resisting application alleging non-compliance with consumer credit legislation. Matthew Jones appeared (unled) for the respondent.
31-5-16 / Matthew Jones KC — Appellate, Competition & Consumer, International, Judicial Review & Administrative
Appeal by self-represented litigant asserting rights under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Matthew Jones appeared (leading B O’Brien) for the respondent.
13-11-14 / Matthew Jones KC — Appellate, Competition & Consumer
Defence of franchise claim. Matthew Jones appeared (led by A Crowe QC) for the third and fourth respondents.
Level 27, 239 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000