15-8-23 / Matthew Jones KC — Judicial Review & Administrative, Human Rights & Discrimination
In this judicial review proceeding, Matthew Jones appeared pro bono for a foreign citizen who had been convicted of manslaughter. Rangiah J considered, among other things, whether a conclusion by the Minister that the applicant posed a risk of violent offending was legally unreasonable when the underlying manslaughter conviction had…
4-8-23 / Matthew Jones KC — Human Rights & Discrimination
In this important guardianship decision, the Court of Appeal set aside a decision of the QCAT appeal tribunal on the ground of procedural unfairness. The decision also provides useful guidance to financial administrators on the steps required to adequately discharge their duties in making investment decisions. Matthew Jones appeared pro…
3-8-23 / Matthew Jones KC — Appellate
In this important case on practice and procedure, the Court of Appeal considered whether file notes prepared by a solicitor which recorded the opinions of an expert were exempted from legal professional privilege by Rule 212(2) of the UCPR. Matthew Jones appeared for the successful Respondent, led by Mr Handran…
17-5-23 / Matthew Jones KC — Land Law & Property
In a decision with important practical consequences, Justice Williams determined that those parts of a solicitor’s file note which contain the statement or report of an expert are not privileged from disclosure pursuant to Rule 212(2) of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999. Matthew Jones (with G Handran KC) appeared…
24-3-23 / Matthew Jones KC, Michael Hodge KC — Commercial Equity, Land Law & Property
In a dispute involving the division of properties among the three sons of a successful farming family, a dispute arose about the propriety of one brother including a counterclaim against his siblings which was, it was argued, not sufficiently connected to the subject matter of the proceeding. Matthew Jones appeared…
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