21-7-20 / Nicholas Andreatidis KC, Matthew Hickey OAM KC, Claire Schneider, Sophie Gibson — Inquiries & Coronial Inquests
The webinar panelists have acted in a variety of roles in commissions of inquiries and inquests (COIs). With guest contributor John Byrne AO RFD, Level Twenty Seven Chambers barristers discussed how to best plan and execute your client's strategy when engaging with these unique legal processes. Topics included: How COIs…
7-8-19 / Claire Schneider, Michael Trim — Building & Construction, Contract
Hosted by the Society of Construction Law, Michael Trim and Claire Schneider addressed an audience of lawyers and construction industry experts with the question "Can my contract be varied by what happens on site or how claims are treated?" The presentation looked at effective agreement clauses in contracts in light…
26-10-18 / Nicholas Andreatidis KC, Claire Schneider, Mei Barnes — Competition & Consumer, Corporations, Contract
On Thursday 25 October 2018 Level Twenty Seven hosted a seminar titled 'Raising the bar for businesses: the ACL’s reach in business negotiations and brand protection'. The evening was chaired by Nicholas Andreatidis, the legal analysis was presented by Claire Schneider and Mei Ying Barnes. A summary of the analysis…
30-11-17 / Michael Trim, Claire Schneider — Building & Construction
2017 Construction Law Wrap Up: Presentation delivered on 30 November 2017 at Level Twenty Seven Chambers.
14-6-17 / Michael Trim, Claire Schneider — Building & Construction
A presentation delivered at Level Twenty Seven Chambers on Wednesday 14 June 2017.
Level 27, 239 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000