Year of Call:
Chris is developing a broad civil practice, with a focus on arbitration, private international law, class actions, commercial remedies, contract, trusts, equity, insolvency, competition and consumer law, and public law.
Prior to joining the Bar, he taught Contract Law at Cambridge University and Principles of Civil Procedure at Oxford University. He also worked as a Solicitor for the Litigation & Dispute Resolution Practice Area of King & Wood Mallesons in Brisbane, mainly in class actions, insolvency, and commercial litigation.
Chris was awarded the Vinerian Scholarship for the Bachelor of Civil Law at Oxford University in 2018. He also holds a Master of Philosophy in Law (Distinction) from Oxford University and a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Business from QUT.
Chris is a co-editor of Zuckerman on Civil Procedure: Principles and Practice, the leading practitioners’ text on civil procedure in England, and has published widely in scholarly and trade journals.
Queensland Bar Association
June 2021 - July 2022 Supervisor (Contract Law) - University of Cambridge
July 2021 - February 2022 Research Assistant (Equity & Commercial Remedies) - University of Cambridge
October 2020 - August 2021 Tutor (Principles of Civil Procedure) - University of Oxford
August 2018 - September 2019 Solicitor (Commercial Litigation & DR) - King & Wood Mallesons, Brisbane
February 2016 - August 2017 Policy Officer - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra
March 2015 - February 2016 Associate to Chief Justice of the Queensland Supreme Court
2011 - 2015 Researcher - Australian Centre for Health Law Research
2020 Master of Philosophy in Law (Oxon) (Distinction) (Clarendon Scholar)
2018 Bachelor of Civil Law (Oxon) (Distinction) (Vinerian Scholar)
2018 Certificate in Private International Law (Hague Academy of International Law)
2014 Bachelor of Law (QUT) (First Class Hons, University Medal)
2014 Bachelor of Business (Distinction)
2020 Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholarship (Cambridge)
2019 Clarendon Scholarship (Oxford)
2018 Vinerian Scholarship (Oxford)
2018 Private International Law Scholarship (The Hague)
2017 Merton College - Bachelor of Civil Law Scholarship (Oxford)
2015 Tom Cain Most Outstanding Student Award (QUT)
2014 University Medal for Law (QUT)
2014 Prime Minister's Australia-Asia Undergraduate Scholarship
2013 Mary and Carl Leonard International Relations Scholarship