Nicholas Andreatidis QC and Sophie Gibson were briefed by GHD Group for the Paradise Dam Commission of Inquiry. During these proceedings, Nic and Sophie worked closely with GHD’s in-house counsel Denise Obst and Carissa Smith. In a live streamed webinar, the four lawyers discussed the different considerations, responsibilities and challenges faced by corporate counsel who are party to a commission of inquiry (COI). The barristers and in-house counsel also reviewed how to manage the COI process effectively and collaboratively when briefing external counsel whilst at the same time seeing to their other corporate legal duties.
Event specifics, speaker bios as well as the video recording, podcast and PowerPoint from the webinar are available here.
This webinar formed part of a series by Level Twenty Seven Chambers on understanding and successfully participating in disputes of a large scale and/or concerning multiple parties. The discussion followed that of ‘Commissions of Inquiries and Inquests – Perspectives from the Bench and Each Side of the Bar Table‘ which included insight from counsel well versed in COI and inquest proceedings, as well as that of John Byrne AO RFD who was Commissioner on the Paradise Dam Commission of Inquiry.