6-12-24 / Roger Traves KC — Appellate, Planning & Environment
Roger Traves KC (with J E Bowness) represented the First Respondent, instructed by Corrs Chambers Westgarth. McEnearney sought leave to appeal a decision by the Planning and Environment Court, which dismissed her appeal against the council’s approval of a development application. McEnearney submitted that the primary judge erred by excusing…
16-8-24 / Rob Anderson KC — Appellate, Judicial Review & Administrative, Planning & Environment
An application for redevelopment approval for land in the Principal Centre zone at Maroochydore. The proposed development required vehicle access via both a State-controlled and local road. The appellant's proposed grounds of appeal concerned challenging the refusal to grant access to the State-controlled road (Transport Infrastructure Act 1994) and objecting…
22-3-24 / John Ware — Planning & Environment
John Ware appeared for the respondent, instructed by Hopgood Ganim Lawyers
22-11-23 / John Ware — Planning & Environment
John Ware (with R Litster KC) appeared for the respondent, instructed by HopgoodGanim. The judgment is published here.
2-11-23 / Michael Hodge KC, Sophie Gibson — Planning & Environment
Michael Hodge KC and Sophie Gibson (with N Loos) appeared for the respondent, instructed by the Department of Environment and Science. The judgment is published here.
Level 27, 239 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000