6-12-24 / Michael Hodge KC, Claire Schneider — Contract, Media & Defamation, Resources & Energy
Michael Hodge KC with Claire Schneider represented the Defendant, instructed by Marque Lawyers. The case involves several tortious claims, including unlawful and lawful means conspiracy, intimidation, and intentional interference with contracts. Adani Mining and Ors alleged that Pennings engaged in unlawful conduct to harm their business, including threatening contractors, causing…
4-12-24 / Shane Doyle KC, Michael Hodge KC, James Green, Claire Schneider, Mei Barnes, Salwa Marsh — Class Actions, Competition & Consumer, Resources & Energy
James Green led by Mr L W L Armstrong KC and Ms D M Bampton and with Mr B O'Connor and Mr S H Snow, appeared for the Applicant, instructed by Piper Alderman. Shane Doyle KC with Mr P Franco KC, Mei Barnes, Ms J Menzies and Mr M Paterson…
3-5-24 / Michael Hodge KC, Claire Schneider — Corporations, Contract, Banking, Insurance
Michael Hodge KC appeared for the defendant (leading Ms SM Derrington), instructed by HWL Ebsworth. Claire Schneider appeared for the plaintiff (led by Mr MT Brady KC, with Mr RD Strong), instructed by Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
30-1-24 / Claire Schneider — Corporations, Professional Discipline & Regulatory
Claire Schneider appeared for the applicant, instructed by Australian Government Solicitor. The full judgment can be read here.
30-10-23 / Claire Schneider, Oliver Cook — Media & Defamation
This matter concerned an application, pursuant to the recently amended Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 1978 (Qld), for a non-publication order. The applicant was charged with certain prescribed sexual offences. Several media companies and certain of the complainants opposed the application. The non-publication order was made. Claire Schneider and Oliver…
Level 27, 239 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000