What will the seminar cover?
The High Court of Australia appeal in Naaman v Jaken Properties Pty Ltd raises the question whether a successor trustee owes a ‘fiduciary obligation’ to a former trustee to preserve the former trustee’s right of indemnity.
Following last years presentation “Succession of Trustees: am I still indemnified?”, this seminar will involve a detached examination of today’s High Court decision, including:
- Overview of the proceedings
- What the High Court determined and why
- The High Court’s description as to a trustee’s right of indemnity
- What is the practical impact of the decision
Who should attend?
The session will interest commercial advisory and litigation lawyers, and insolvency practitioners.
In-person (Level Twenty Seven Chambers – Level 27, 239 George St) and Webinar.
N.B. Registering via the form below you are requesting to join online. To reserve an in-person seat, please contact Lucinda Browning here.
Should you have any questions, please contact Lucinda Browning on +61 7 3008 3927.