Who should attend?
The presentation will be of interest to dispute resolution lawyers, in-house counsel, barristers and arbitrators who practice in cross-jurisdictional litigation, matters involving foreign law and foreign judgments and public international law (including in the context of international arbitration).
What will the seminar cover?
Shane Doyle QC and guest speakers from Essex Court Chambers London will discuss:
› the trend of Australian courts engaging with Foreign and international law issues;
› an Australian International Commercial Court – do we need one? Examples of this overseas;
› building an international law practice and the development of the English bar on an international stage; and
› hot topics in International Arbitration and PIL – a London barristers’ perspective.
Shane Doyle QC, Lucas Bastin (Barrister) and David Grief (Senior Clerk) from Essex Court Chambers, London.
Date and Time
Thursday 19 April 2018
5.30 pm to 6.30 pm (1 CPD hour)
Level Twenty Seven Chambers
Level 27, 239 George Street
Brisbane, 4000
Places are limited. To reserve a place for the event on the 19 April 2018, please register through the form below:
The presentation is free of charge. For further information, please contact Daniel Perry on +61 7 3008 3945.