28-10-21 @ 12:30 pm / Kristi Riedel — Insurance, Inquiries & Coronial Inquests
What will the seminar cover? Last year saw QLD’s first sentencing decision in relation to the offence of industrial manslaughter pursuant to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. Since the introduction of the offence in 2017 we have seen the establishment of the Office of the Work Health and…
13-10-20 @ 12:30 pm / Nicholas Andreatidis KC, Sophie Gibson — Corporations, Inquiries & Coronial Inquests
What will the seminar cover? Being in house counsel for a party to a commission of inquiry (COI) brings different considerations, responsibilities and challenges. You will hear firsthand from in-house counsel and barristers who have worked with in-house counsel on commissions of inquiry about the unique demands this brings to…
08-09-20 @ 12:30 pm / Nicholas Andreatidis KC, Matthew Hickey OAM KC, Kristi Riedel, Mark Eade — Inquiries & Coronial Inquests
What will the seminar cover? You will hear firsthand insights and learnings of how coronial inquests (CI) operate most effectively from the State and Deputy State Coroner of Queensland and counsel who have been party to a wide spectrum of CIs. Topics covered will include: Background & context of CIs…
21-07-20 @ 12:30 pm / Nicholas Andreatidis KC, Matthew Hickey OAM KC, Claire Schneider, Sophie Gibson — Inquiries & Coronial Inquests
What will the seminar cover? You will hear from experienced panelists, who have acted in a variety of roles in commissions of inquiries and inquests (COIs), on how to best plan and execute your client's strategy, when engaging with these unique legal processes. Discussion will include: How COIs differ from…
Level 27, 239 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000