Who should attend?
Front-end construction lawyers, dispute resolution lawyers, insolvency practitioners, engineers, other construction experts, contract administrators and building regulators.
What will the seminar cover?
Barristers from Level Twenty Seven Chambers will provide and overview of the new act and discuss the practical implications for those who advise, practice and operate in the construction industry, particularly in respect of:
› the new security provisions;
› the changes to the QBCC Act; and
› the changes to BCIPA and SCC.
John Baartz and Rachel de Luchi.
Date and Time
Thursday 15 March 2018
5.30 pm to 6.30 pm (1 CPD hour)
Level Twenty Seven Chambers
Level 27, 239 George Street
Brisbane, 4000
Places are limited. To reserve a place for the event on the 15 March 2017, please register through the form below:
The presentation is free of charge. For further information, please contact Daniel Perry on +61 7 3008 3945.