Who should attend? Insolvency lawyers and practitioners interested in an update in key areas of insolvency law.
What will the seminar cover? Barristers from Level Twenty Seven Chambers will look at some of the key issues facing insolvency lawyers and practitioners in 2017. Topics will include:
› the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 (Cth) and Insolvency Practice Rules 2016 – the essentials;
› unreasonable director-related transactions cases: the pitfalls and the nature of the relief that may be ordered under s 588FF Corporations Act 2001 (Cth); and
› breaches of duties by directors which do (and do not) give rise to a proprietary claim and practical considerations when tracing assets into the hands of a director or family member.
Paul McQuade QC, Stewart Webster and Bianca Kabel
Date and Time
Wednesday 29 March 2017
5.30pm to 6.30pm (1 CPD hour)
Level Twenty Seven Chambers
Level 27, 239 George Street
Brisbane, 4000
Refreshments will follow the presentation, at 6:30pm.
Places are limited. To reserve a place for the event on the 29 March 2017, please register through the form below:
The presentation is free of charge. For further information, please contact Daniel Perry on +61 7 3210 2680.