Who should attend?
Dispute resolution lawyers, corporate lawyers and insolvency practitioners.
What will the seminar cover?
The fundamental idea underlying tracing is that sometimes, for certain legal purposes, one asset stands in the place of another. Yet, despite being one of the most important and practical areas of law, the law of tracing remains underdeveloped and misunderstood. In this CLE, the presenters outline the tracing rules and their application in various commercial contexts. They consider some of the key questions underpinning tracing, such as:
- what is tracing?
- why do we trace?
- is there a distinction between tracing in equity and at law?
The presenters will also explore the preconditions which must be satisfied before a plaintiff can trace.
Mohammud Jaamae Hafeez-Baig (Level Twenty Seven Chambers) and Jordan English (King & Wood Mallesons)
Date and Time
Thursday 12 July 2018
5.30 pm to 6.30 pm (1 CPD hour)
Level Twenty Seven Chambers
Level 27, 239 George Street
Brisbane, 4000
Places are limited. To reserve a place for the event on the 12 July 2018, please register through the form below:
The presentation is free of charge. For further information, please contact Daniel Perry on +61 7 3008 3945.